Several people detained after ATF raid at Bartram Springs home

Several people have been detained as the feds go through a home in Bartram Springs.

WOKV News was first to the scene as the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms and the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office went through a home on Falling Waters Drive Wednesday morning.

A listener tipped us off about a huge police presence in the area for much of the morning.

"A crime scene van [was] in the driveway," she added. "I could see the front door open and people sitting on a couch."

Agents on scene wouldn't release much information about the case, but they did say the investigation isn't tied specifically to the Bartram Springs area.

A woman was briefly put into the back of an unmarked ATF car, but she was released on scene.

After the agents left, a man living at the home told reporters to leave the property and then raised his middle finger at the group as he and other people left in a blue vehicle.

No arrests have been made at this time, according to ATF.

As soon as there's more details, we'll let you know.