Jacksonville — A new VA clinic is coming to Middleburg. According to a press release from Representative Ted Yoho, the new primary care facility will be located at 400 College Drive in Middleburg. Services will include primary care, mental health, lab draws and select specialty care via telehealth for approximately 11,000 veterans in the coming years.
Yoho said the awarded lease has an initial contract for 10-years, and the construction timeline will be determined in design meetings.
WOKV spoke with Congressman Yoho about Wednesday’s announcement. He says there was a great need for a clinic in this area based on the population of veterans.
“The South Georgia/North Florida Regional VA system is the largest VA system in the United States of America. Clay County, Alachua County, and Marion County are some of the highest populated areas in the state with veterans, and there was not a good service area for the Middlburg-area,” says Yoho.
According to Yoho, Clay County, specifically, has a population of around 29,000 Veterans.
WOKV asked Yoho about when this clinic would open, but at this time, an exact date has not yet been set. He’s told it will be before 2020, but they plan to move as quickly as possible.