Jacksonville teen awarded Empowering Greatness Scholarship

Sierra Nelson from Paxon School for Advanced S

JACKSONVILLE - Today, Farah & Farah law firm, will present their third annual Empowering Greatness Scholarship to Sierra Nelson, who goes to Paxon School for Advanced Studies.

Sierra is one of the five winners of the program that will receive a scholarship covering two full years worth of tuition, valued at more than $6,000. Scholarship recipients were selected based on financial considerations, academic performance, dedicated community engagement, and an essay or video submission about how they overcame the obstacles caused by the pandemic. The scholarship money can be used to pay for tuition, registration fees, and local fees for 60 lower-division credit hours at any of Florida’s public colleges or universities.

Sierra plans to use the scholarship to go into a STEM career. Her goal is to obtain a neuroscience degree and then go to medical school to get a degree in anesthesiology.

Farah & Farah will present the scholarship Tuesday at 6:00pm in the Paxon School for Advanced Studies’ auditorium.