Khan expresses interest in developing Shipyards

Jags owner Shad Khan has expressed interest in developing the Shipyards.

Khan noted Thursday after an awards ceremony where he was honored that developing the riverfront would be good for downtown.

"I’ve said all along, Jacksonville has great potential. Developing the north bank of the riverfront would go a long way toward achieving our potential."

Khad went on to say it would be good for the Jags, Everbank Field and the entire Sports Complex.

He didn't go into detail about any possible plans or investments saying in part, "a new life for the shipyard would be good news."

Mayor Alvin Brown's office released a statement confirming Khan's interest. They say any discussion between Khan and the mayor's office was "preliminary."

“We are very focused on activating the resident and fan experience on our waterfront. The Jaguars are an important part of the city’s economy and brand, and we look forward to hearing more about this concept as their plans develop.”

We reached out to City council president Bill Bishop who loved the idea.

"I think we should take it seriously, he is the guy with the resources to do it," Bishop told WOKV news.

Bishop asserts Khan doesn't entertain business ventures without having a reasonable level of certainty that he can make it work. He says if the city and Khan forge a partnership to develop the shipyards, it can only yield good results.

"If that were built up, you would basically knit downtown together."