Jacksonville, FL — A day after the federal indictment of Jacksonville City Council Members Katrina Brown and Reggie Brown on fraud, money laundering, and other charges, Governor Rick Scott has issued an order Friday evening to suspend both from public office.
Governor Scott is the only one with the authority to suspend council members due to a federal indictment and appoint replacements during that suspension. A memo from the City of Jacksonville General Counsel says the Florida Senate can now take action to remove them from office.
According to the executive orders of suspension signed by Governor Scott, Katrina Brown and Reggie Brown are now prohibited from performing any official act, duty, or function of public office. The order adds that the suspension will remain in place, until a further executive order is issued.
The council president Anna Brosche says she's already removed them from their committees, as she's now considering calling for a special election for Districts 8 and 10.
Katrina Brown and Reggie Brown are both being allowed to remain out of custody on a $50,000 unsecured appearance bond each.
Their next hearing has been scheduled for June 14th.
BREAKING NEWS: Citing the “best interest” of Jacksonville residents and Florida citizens, Governor Rick Scott has...
Posted by Stephanie Brown, News 104.5 WOKV on Friday, June 1, 2018