Careathon Update: Brynley Piper flies with butterflies

3-year-old ‘warrior princess’ gained her angel wings on Monday morning.

Jacksonville, Fl — This is how I will always remember Brynley Piper.

The smiling, laughing toddler dressed in pink, playing with her older brother, as her proud parents look on. Brynley’s laugh is embedded in my mind.

At 9 months-old, Brynley was diagnosed in April 2022 with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL). Her strength throughout treatment was remarkable to watch from a distance.

At the 2023 Careathon there was no sign of pain or trauma. This warrior was strong. And until her very last days on Earth, her family remained strong.

“I’ll keep fighting for her, even after she’s left this Earth.”, said mom Heather Richardson last Friday morning. She called in to the 2024 Careathon from the ICU at Wolfson Children’s Hospital.

Brynley’s loved ones were by her side and preparing for the moment they prayed would never come.

This story will be updated when services are announced.