Aaron Bean talks gun control, Stand Your Ground

While the gun control debate remains in the national spotlight, WOKV is reaching out to local legislators to discuss their positions.

“The one thing I’m sure of that will not make our schools safer is taking guns out of the hands of the good guys,” says State Senator Aaron Bean, whose district includes Duval and Nassau counties.

“Good guys with guns can protect against bad guys with guns,” he says.

Bean says right now the legislature is considering proposals to make schools safer, and some of those proposals include his own ideas.

He couldn’t discuss the specifics of the proposals, but he did say they would announce them in a couple days and he’d call WOKV to discuss.

Bean says their job is not only to make schools as safe as they can, “but to ensure that people still have a right to defend themselves.  That’s in our constitution.”

He says he agrees with Governor Rick Scott who said that there should be a review of Florida’s current gun laws before any changes are considered.

"But we also gotta realize why we made those laws in the first place, particularly with Stand Your Ground," he says.

Bean thinks the law, which he co-sponsored, will stay because it protects homeowners who are protecting themselves.

“Nothing would break your heart than to hear of somebody defending their life, their liberty, their property and their own home, and then getting charged with a crime,” he says.