Who played it better: Gary Rossington vs. This guy and his toy flute

The guitar solo in Freebird is a small taste of the mastery that was Gary Robert Rossington. That being said, the title of “best Freebird solo” is being challenged by some random dude who absolutely slays classic rock tracks with his toy flute!

Meet Felipe Flute, better known as @phillipflute2368 on Tiktok where he now has over 160k followers. Felipe’s skill leaps off his pages, but leaves me with one question: Who played it better...

Here’s Gary Rossington live at the Oakland Coliseum in ‘77. Fast forward to 6:22 for the shredding...

Here’s Phillip in his car...with his toy flute...

I’m telling you - 00:36 seconds in to that 2 minute masterclass my fingers would have seized up from cramping. That guy must type at 900 words a minute. Ol’ Fingers McGee absolutely kills.

Lynyrd Skynyrd isn’t the only band Phillip covers & crushes. Check out Hotel California!

How about Dire Straits - Sultans of Swing!

or Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy Train!!!

Any chance I had of getting work done today has been completely blown. If you need me you can find me in the back stairwell practicing Rush’s “Tom Sawyer” on my tiny toy drum set.